The Scottish Alpaca Group thank you  for showing your alpacas at our recent championships.  We would appreciate if you could spare a few moments to tell us how you think that we did.

In each category, please move the slider along to indicate your score (out of 10). Hover your mouse over the ? symbol at the right edge of each slider to provide more information about the category if required

1 Pre-event communication We are interested in your opinion of any letters or emails received from the show committee before your arrival at the championships.
0 10
2 Arrival and Reception When you arrived at the venue, did you feel welcomed and were you able to easily identify who was organising and where you and your alpacas should be going
0 10
3 Penning area Did the penning plan show exactly where your alpacas were going to be housed and was it to a satisfactory standard and adequate size for the number of animals in your show team
0 10
4 Colour checking and administration Did the steward(s) visit your pen and check in your alpacas properly. Were any colour changes explained and managed in an appropriate way.
0 10
5 Exhibitor’s meeting Was the exhibitors' meeting welcoming and inclusive and provide you with information about how the competition was going to progress.
0 10
6 Class and championship organisation and flow DId classes occur in a logical and timely manner. Were you advised of when your team members should be at the collecting area for their class
0 10
7 Choice of Judge Did the show committee select an appropriate judge for the championships
0 10
8 Venue facilities & Catering What was your perception of he exhibition hall and penning area, including cafe and toilet facilities of the venue
0 10
9 Show committee / organisers availability Were show organisers and committee members available during the event to assist you if required
0 10
10 Accommodation (if used) Given that hotel accommodation in the area is limited, did you feel that the accommodation was comfortable and appropriate
0 10
Overall SatisfactionIf you were to summarise the event by just one of these icons, which one would best describe your experience of the championships
Comments Please use this space to provide any additional information that you would like to feedback to the organisers
Herd Name
Email Address *