- Details
- Written by SAG Administrator
- Category: About
- Hits: 3788
The Scottish Alpaca Group is a regional group of the British Alpaca Society
The British Alpaca Society, via its regional groups, provides information, support and events for alpaca owners, breeders and all those interested in alpacas. The Society keeps its members up to date with all alpaca news and initiatives in the UK.
The British Alpaca Society supports its regional group members to invite speakers and share expertise on all aspects relating to alpacas.
SAG operates in Scotland to provide a mechanism for:-
· Sharing information, know-how and experience of alpacas and their care
· Keeping up to date with best practice
· Facilitating practical self help
· Representing members interests at BAS events
· Organising shows, talks, and visits to promote the SAG aims
· Helping to develop the market for alpacas, their fibre and finished products.