Category: Uncategorised
Hits: 3933

 This consultation is open to anyone (Scottish or not) to respond and we would encourage any members to put forward their views and experiences.

The statement below comes from the Scottish Government......

Proposed Protection of Livestock (Scotland) Bill

A proposal for a Bill to increase penalties and provide additional powers to investigate and enforce the offence of livestock worrying.

The consultation runs from 21 February 2019 to 15 May 2019

All those wishing to respond to the consultation are strongly encouraged to enter their responses electronically through this survey. This makes collation of responses much simpler and quicker. However, the option also exists of sending in a separate response (in hard copy or by other electronic means such as e-mail), and details of how to do so are included in the member’s consultation document.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer.

All responses must include a name and contact details. Names will only be published if you give us permission, and contact details are never published – but we may use them to contact you if there is a query about your response. If you do not include a name and/or contact details, we may have to disregard your response.

Please note that you must complete the survey in order for your response to be accepted. If you don't wish to complete the survey in a single session, you can choose "Save and Continue later" at any point. Whilst you have the option to skip particular questions, you must continue to the end of the survey and press "Submit" to have your response fully recorded.

Please ensure you have read the consultation document before responding to any of the questions that follow. In particular, you should read the information contained in the document about how your response will be handled.You can get to the survey here